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The AdventureGameKit

Have you ever wanted to create your own point and click adventure games like Day of the Tentacle, King’s Quest, The Secret of Monkey Island, or Thimbleweed Park? Well, now you can!

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With the AdventureGameKit, you can build your own point and click adventure games for Apple iPhones and iPads without having to write a single line of code. That’s right—no coding required unless you want to extend the kit or sharpen your skills.
With the AdventureGameKit you can add the following features to your games...

Inventory Management

Let players pick-up and use inventory items with scene objects, characters, and other inventory items.


Bring players and characters to life with audible text-to-speech.

Sound Effects

Use individual or default sound clips for scene interactions like picking up items, opening doors, using objects, and looking characters.

Music & Ambient Sound

Add background music or ambient sound per scene to properly set the mood.

Objective Tracker

Set up player objectives and track achievements using the built-in Objective Tracker.

Automatic Save Games

Let players automatically save games and store up to four different on-going games simultaneously.

Object Avoidance & Pathfinding

The player can automatically navigate around props and scene objects.

Proximity Detection

Prevent players from interacting with objects that are too far away with built-in proximity detection and individual thresholds (or disable it completely).


Import animation assets from popular animation tools like Spriter, Cartoon Animator, Moho, Photoshop, and more. Includes support for: player animations for walking, idle, and talking states; character idle animations and individual dialog animations, which is great for mood changes; and scene animations for items, props, and exit points

Native Swift Code

The AdventureGameKit uses 100% native Swift code, which you have full access to view and modify.

No Third-Party Requirements

Because the code is 100% native Swift and SpriteKit, the AdventureGameKit does not rely on third-party libraries or APIs. That means you’re able to scale your games as-needed without worry.

Full Documentation

The AdventureGameKit includes full documention and inline code comments making it a great learning tool for Apple developers..

Working Demo

No waiting! Get started right away using the included game demo. Learn how to set up scenes, objectives, animations, and more.

Free Assets

The AdventureGameKit comes standard with a set of custom made assets that you can use in your games at no extra cost.

Builder Templates

Also includes Photoshop, Xcode, and JSON data templates to help you build your game faster.

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